To apply fill the online Google form. In the form, the most important information is the name of the Producer, because this cannot change. The title of the show can change if necessary until Mid-May, after which all details need to be absolutely final.
Pay the $25 CAD - per venue.This amount is non-refundable. The fee is paid by e-transfer to admin@sawitri.ca
The application deadline is 2nd March 2025
Lottery Draw !!
The draw is on 7th March 2025. You are welcome to attend the draw which is held in-person @ AN1 Studio, Mississauga. Once you apply the details of venue and time will be sent to you.
Participation Fee
By Mid-April, you have to pay a participation fee ($250-@Sampradya Theatre | $125 - @AN1 Studio). This is non-refundable after 29th April 2025. Note that some of these timelines are subject to change. You will be notified
Your Show
Your show has to be between 55 to 60 minutes in duration. It cannot exceed 60 minutes and it cannot be less than 50 minutes. It can have narration+music, or poetry+music. Usually the shows are built around a theme. The choice of theme is yours. You are responsible for all your costs associated with your production.
You cannot have any other performances of the same show that you are presenting in the MMFF 2025 in the period from April to August before your show within a 100 km radius of Mississauga.
SAWITRI Theatre provides the venue, the technical and front of house personnel on show days and 3 hours of technical time in the theatre to have the show tech completed. SAWITRI also provides overall marketing of the festival wherein information about all the fringe shows are given. You are responsible for the marketing of your show. It is useful for you to bring marketing material for your own show to distribute to audiences on other days/times of the festival when you are not performing. There are guidelines for this, and those will be outlined once your participation is confirmed.
Fringe Dates
In 2025, the festival runs from Monday 11th August to 24th August 2025. During this week, your show will be on stage 4 times on different days and times. This schedule will be provided to you in May 2025.
Ticket / Income
The ticket price is going to be CAD 15. Your show has the potential to make $15 x 100 seats x 4 shows = $6,000 CAD if you sell out every show and do not give away any tickets as complementaries. All this money is paid to the Producer. If you are the producer, it will come to you. SAWITRI does not keep any of the ticket collections. The ticket has a surcharge, which is the Eventbrite fee + 13% Government Sales Tax, both are paid by the ticket buyer.
The Mississauga Multilingual Fringe Festival (MMFF)
A Festival of many Firsts!
First Fringe Festival in the City of Mississauga!
First Fringe Festival in North America presenting South Asian arts and artists!
First Multilingual Fringe Festival!
Fun Facts: The first Fringe started in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947 and has grown into one of the biggest performing arts festivals in the world. The largest festival in North America is in Edmonton, Alberta! There are over 250 Fringe Festivals across the globe!
Fringes are uncensored, non-juried theatre festivals, bringing together emerging and established artists alike to tell their stories on stage.
Want to support the Mississauga Multilingual Fringe Festival (MMFF)?
Donate to the MMFF.
Sponsor the MMFF. Please email admin@mississaugafringe.ca for details
Volunteer at the MMFF.
Purchase merchandise from the MMFF. Pictures and Merchandize coming soon !!!
Email us at info@mississaugafringe.ca